Let's Transform Your Approach to Eating Healthier After Cancer, Without the Overwhelm


Struggling to Start Eating Healthier After Breast Cancer?

  • You really want to eat healthier, but it feels overwhelming—like one more thing on an already full plate.
  • You wake up each morning feeling exhausted, with no energy to even think about what to eat, let alone prepare a healthy meal.
  • The healthy eating tips and advice you’ve tried before just don’t seem to fit your life or tastebuds anymore. You’re feeling stuck, stressed out because you know you need to make changes, and feel unsure of how to get started. 
  • You wonder how other survivors seem to make healthy eating look so easy, while you’re struggling just to get through the day.


It doesn't have to be so hard. 

Eating healthier can be totally doable, even when you're wiped out!


A gentle step-by-step approach that truly works, complete with easy-to-follow guidelines, meal planning tools, and practical tips to help you stay on track, even when life feels overwhelming.


A unique combination of personalized support, small group sessions, and a welcoming community of fellow survivors who understand exactly what you’re going through. Together, we’ll create a routine that fits your life and helps you feel more like yourself again.


An experience that prioritizes your well-being with the dedicated support and accountability you've been craving, to succeed on your healthy eating journey. You are no longer alone my friend!

You don't have to figure it out on your own.

Overwhelmed breast cancer survivors just like you are raising their hands and getting the help they need to start eating healthier.
Take it from our Resilient Rockstars themselves...


How to get started today...

  1. Watch the free masterclass... Unlock the secrets to healthier eating no matter how wiped out you are or what's going on in your life!
  2. Join Resilient Routines... Get instant access to our online program including the expert support you need.
  3. Get results... Dive into your videos (less than 30 minutes per week) and one of our most loved resources - the list of what foods to eat more of and less of, so that you can start to make changes immediately...plus meet all your new like-minded survivor friends.

How it all started...I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle. 

Hey friend 👋, welcome...I'm Karin. (pronounced just like Karen)

I'd always envisioned creating a life where my health and well-being were in perfect harmony. As a health coach, I thought I was on the right track—eating well, exercising regularly, reducing toxins and managing stress were all part of my routine. But despite my best efforts, I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle.

In 2018 life threw me a curveball: I was diagnosed with breast cancer and found out I carried the BRCA2 genetic mutation.

This meant that I'd always been high risk for breast cancer and other cancers too, so I got to ask myself the question..."why now, what had recently changed?"

 Well, one year prior to that spine-chilling phone call, I was juggling the loss of my mum, my brother’s near-death experience, and my husband’s severe motorcycle accident.  It was a wake-up call that stress, grief & trauma despite my healthy lifestyle, were a significant factor in my diagnosis.


I’ll never forget the moment everything shifted for me... I discovered the eye-opening work of Dr. W. Douglas Brodie and The Cancer Personality Traits  and I knew 100% that managing stress & trauma was as crucial as eating right and exercising. This revelation changed my approach to health and wellness and set me on a path to truly understanding what it means to live a balanced, healthy life after cancer. 

If this is what it took to be healthy - it was way too stressful!


After treatment ended, I was juggling recovery, fatigue, life’s demands, and an emotional roller-coaster and I felt like I couldn’t keep up. Following strict rules and making everything from scratch honestly just felt way too stressful...

If you’ve ever been in a similar situation, you know exactly how frustrating it is to feel like you should make changes but don't have the energy or motivation to do it.


Then I had a light-bulb đź’ˇ moment:

Why was I making healthy eating so overwhelming and hard?

 What if I adjusted my expectations (easier said than done at first!) and just made small, manageable changes that fit into my life, no matter what's going on? So I shifted my focus to simple, nourishing choices that didn’t add stress to my plate.

Now, my mission is to help you find that same ease and confidence in your journey. I offer practical strategies and support to make healthy eating feel doable—and dare I say, even as enjoyable as Julia Roberts taking her first bite of pizza in Italy in the movie Eat, Pray, Love! 

Through my programs and coaching, I’m here to guide you with care, helping you rediscover your vitality 

without the stress & overwhelm!

When it finally clicked, everything made sense...


There was a moment in my journey when everything suddenly made sense. I realized that everything I had been through...all of life's ups and downs, they were ALL to bring me to this exact place.

Where I realize that I'm uniquely qualified to support you in making these shifts the exact same way that I have...because eating healthier doesn't have to be as complicated as you might think.


The secret, in fact, was allowing it to be simple.

But, for this to work I had to learn to let go of the super high expectations I'd always put on myself (perhaps you can relate?) because my people-pleasing habits and perfectionism weren't going to work for me anymore. 

I discovered that by breaking down healthy eating into small, achievable habits, (and not beating myself up for it not being enough) I could make lasting changes without feeling overwhelmed!

This revelation transformed my approach to nutrition and made it possible for me to regain my energy and get my life back!

And now you get to let eating healthier be E.A.S.Y. too!

My proven method for healthier eating after breast cancer...

I poured my heart and soul into creating my E.A.S.Y. Habits System so you don’t have to struggle like I did.

This method, available only in my Resilient Routines program, is my personal blueprint for transforming healthy eating into a simple, sustainable habit. I developed it through countless trials and errors, knowing how overwhelming it can be to make lasting changes. I wanted to ensure that you could navigate this journey with ease and confidence.

The E.A.S.Y. Habits System breaks down healthy eating into four easy-to-follow steps, designed to fit effortlessly into your life, no matter how exhausted you might be.

It’s about making nutritious choices that feel natural and enjoyable, without adding more stress to your plate.


Inside Resilient Routines, I walk you through each step with practical advice and heartfelt support.

The goal is to make healthier eating not just a possibility, but a reality (even if you've struggled in the past) that enhances your life, helping you feel your best, get off the sidelines and live fully again!


Are you sick and tired of wanting to make changes and not knowing where to start or what to do?

Eating healthier, no matter what's going on, doesn't need to be so hard when you have an E.A.S.Y. system to follow.


The latest from my video blog 

Taming Emotional Eating During "PINK" October

Oct 02, 2024

Why Stressing Over Healthy Eating Isn't Good For You

Oct 08, 2024

Overcoming the fear of sugar: a more balanced approach

Oct 15, 2024