Let's turn staying healthy into clear, manageable steps without the overwhelm.



Breast Cancer treatment has ended...now what?

You're probably feeling overwhelmed at the thought of having to change your lifestyle to stay healthy and scared because you're just not sure where to start or what to do.

  The burden feels so heavy...I get it, and I'm so glad that you've landed on my tiny piece of the internet...because I'm here to lighten the load you are carrying my friend, with my simple Recovery Roadmap.

Thriving Beyond Treatment: Embrace These 6 Easy Habits for Post-Breast Cancer Wellness


Use this FREE guide to kick start your recovery, remove the overwhelm and begin reclaiming your energy!


Understanding the Phases of Breast Cancer...with a little help from Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz


Watch this short video and get a different perspective on the phases of breast cancer...and where to start after treatment has ended!


Hey, I'm Karin and for me, your transformation is personal...

I remember so clearly the day of my last breast cancer treatment and I heard "Karin, I'll see you in 3 months".

I'll never forget that feeling...the white crinkled paper stuck to the back of my legs, the soft pink gown draped over my shoulders...my concave chest revealing footprints where my breasts once lay and the confusion (aren't I supposed to be doing a happy dance right now?) the ugly, gut wrenching, sobbing, suddenly I felt sooo alone (even with my amazing supportive hubby sitting in the corner!), the uncertainty...what now? And then the bone sucking exhaustion...all hit me, in that one moment, like a ton of bricks!! 

But, just a few weeks later when I realized that the system I'd developed for myself, over the past decade, to bounce back after many major traumas would not only help me bounce back and stay healthy now...I just knew that I was uniquely qualified to help you do exactly the same too! 

Read my story

What's your cup of tea..?

You deserve to have guidance and support as you journey into this next stage of recovery. And I've purposefully created the programs below to fit your varying needs, from 1: for those who prefer to go it alone, to 2: surrounded by love and support from fellow survivors and a safe place to speak openly, and then 3: you'll receive 1-1 personalized focus.

Not sure what's the best fit for you? Please don't stress, CLICK HERE let's have a free chat and I'll help you decide ☺️

1. D-I-Y online program

When time and energy are limited resources, then my self-paced D-I-Y online program is perfect for you! Complete it in less than 2 episodes of Madam Secretary, and create the right foundational, healthy (and risk reducing), habits with long lasting results!

2. Group coaching

The support of community can catapult your results. If you're ready to make taking better care of yourself a non-negotiable, but aren't sure how...then let's schedule a free call to see if Thrivership School is a good fit for you.

Schedule a free 1:1 call
3. 1-on-1 coaching

Very Limited Availability.

Dive deep into your recovery with 1-on-1 personalized guidance. 

Schedule a free 1:1 call

"My life will never be the same and it’s all thanks to Karin!" ~ Beth L.

"I joined Thrivership School because I had a natural sense of feeling safe with Karin. I thought it was the worst possible time to add one more thing to do. Looking back, I couldn't have joined at a better time." ~ Jeanne W.

"I love that Karin shares information in a way that is not overwhelming" ~ Natalie G.

The latest from my blog 

3 Ways to Manage Fatigue After Breast Cancer

Jul 03, 2024

3 Ways to Cope When We Lose a Pink Sister

Jul 17, 2024

Done with treatment...now what?

This can feel like a lonely, emotional, exhausting and confusing time, but it doesn't have to be.  

We are rarely told that the next stage of recovery actually STARTS after treatment ends!

And as your medical team is taking more of a back seat, and nobody around you seems to "get it", you may find yourself wanting support.