3 Ways to Handle Eating Setbacks (that don't include waiting 'til Monday)

breast cancer survivors emotional eating healthy eating motivation practical tips resilience self-reflection

Hello, my lovely friend!

If you’ve ever found yourself saying, “I’ll start again on Monday,” when it comes to getting back on track with eating healthy, you are definitely not alone.

Life throws us curveballs constantly—holidays, emotional stress, and social gatherings—each one making it harder to stick to our good intentions.

But here's the thing: you don’t have to wait for a fresh start on Monday. You can handle these setbacks in a kinder, gentler way, starting now.


Today, I’m going to share three simple tips to help you manage those moments when life bumps you off track without the pressure of waiting for a brand-new week.

So, let’s dive into how you can keep going, no matter what life throws at you, without feeling like you’ve failed or need to start all over again.


1. Reflect, Don’t Judge

We’re all human, and life isn’t always smooth sailing. The key to handling setbacks is to reflect on what happened without judging yourself. Seriously, cut yourself some slack! Instead of spiraling into guilt, take a moment to look at what threw you off course.

Was it a busy schedule, a stressful day at work, or an emotional event like a doctor’s appointment? Simply observing the situation can help you plan for the next time something similar comes up. Reflection is empowering, not blaming. When you learn to see these bumps as learning opportunities, you take the pressure off being “perfect,” and give yourself permission to just keep going.


2. Ditch the “All or Nothing” Mindset

We’ve all been there. You have one indulgent meal or miss a workout, and suddenly, it feels like all of your progress is ruined. But guess what? It’s not. Eating healthy doesn’t need to be all or nothing. In fact, aiming for perfection can lead to that constant cycle of starting over again—cue the infamous Monday diet.


What if, instead, you allowed yourself a little flexibility? Maybe you indulge a little during a holiday or at a gathering, but you get back to your usual habits the very next meal.

Balance is key!

By allowing room for those moments of celebration or stress without throwing in the towel, you create a sustainable way to eat that doesn’t feel restrictive or depriving. Remember, life is bumpy, and your healthy eating plan can ride those waves without sinking the ship!


3. Focus on Consistency, Not Perfection

Let’s face it: consistency is where the magic happens. But, this doesn’t mean being “on” all the time. It’s more about showing up for yourself in small, manageable ways. Maybe one day you have the energy to cook a full healthy meal, and on others, it’s about making a slightly better choice than you would have before. That’s okay.

It’s not about being perfect but rather about maintaining some forward momentum, even if it’s small. Life will always have its ups and downs—whether it’s a holiday feast or a rough patch at work.

The secret is learning how to adjust your sails, not abandoning ship.


Remember, you don’t have to get back on track because you were never off track! You’re just navigating a bumpy road, and that’s part of the journey. Give yourself permission to be human and to make progress, even if it’s not in a straight line.


Common Setbacks You Might Be Facing

Now, let’s talk about some of the most common situations where setbacks happen. Can you relate?

*Holidays and Special Celebrations*
Whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any special occasion, we often find ourselves surrounded by rich, indulgent foods that we don’t eat on a regular basis. It’s easy to overindulge, and sometimes, we feel like we’ve ruined all of our hard work in one day.

But here’s the truth: one day isn’t going to undo all of your efforts. It’s okay to enjoy these moments. The key is to enjoy them mindfully and then gently return to your usual routine.


*Stress and Emotional Eating*
We all face stress—whether it's from work, relationships, or health-related concerns like doctor’s appointments and test results (scanxiety anyone?).

It’s normal to seek comfort during tough times, and often that comfort comes in the form of food. I know it’s hard, but acknowledging that emotional eating is a response to stress is the first step in breaking the cycle. Rather than beating yourself up for turning to food, look for healthier ways to soothe yourself during difficult times—like a walk, calling a friend, or even some deep breathing.


*Social Gatherings and Parties*
Ever found yourself standing next to the snack table at a party, absentmindedly nibbling away? Social settings can present their own unique challenges when it comes to sticking to healthy eating habits. There’s often peer pressure, or just an abundance of foods you don’t normally eat.

But guess what? You don’t need to deprive yourself to stay on track. Just be mindful of your choices, and remember, it’s okay to enjoy the moment without going overboard. You can always balance things out later.


Let’s Make Healthy Eating Easier

You’ve got this, my friend. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, but about being consistent and kind to yourself. When life throws you off course—and it will—just adjust your sails and keep moving forward. Progress over perfection, always.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to dive deeper into making healthy eating easier and more sustainable, I’ve got something special for you. I’m hosting a free masterclass, *From Difficult to Doable: 4 EASY Steps to Start Eating Healthier After Breast Cancer*.

In this class, we’ll go beyond the basics and get into actionable steps that you can take to make eating healthy a natural part of your life, no matter what challenges come your way.

You don’t have to wait until Monday to start fresh—let’s take the first step together, today.

Join the FREE masterclass here: From Difficult to Doable: 4 EASY Steps to Start Eating Healthier After Breast Cancer


With love and kindness,





4Ā EASY Steps toĀ Start Eating Healthier After Breast CancerĀ 

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