FAQ: "How Long Before I'll Feel Like Me Again?"
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d be sipping tea on a yacht in the Mediterranean (still doing this work, of course, because I love it).
👉 "How long will it take to get my energy back?"
👉 "When will I feel like myself again?"
If you’re asking this, you are NOT alone.
Even when doctors say it’s "normal" to feel exhausted after treatment, it doesn’t make it easier.
And let me be clear: just because it’s normal doesn’t mean you have to accept it.
So today, I’m sharing an equation that helps take the pressure off and gives you a realistic way to estimate when you’ll start feeling like yourself again.
A Simple Equation to Help Set Expectations
The truth is, healing is a process—and it takes longer than most of us expect.
But this equation helped me manage my own expectations after my diagnosis, and I’ve shared it with hundreds of breast cancer survivors to help them do the same.
📝 Here’s how it works:
1️⃣ A = Date of Diagnosis
- That day you’ll never forget. (For me, it was July 2018.)
2️⃣ B = Date of Last Active Treatment
- The last chemo, radiation, or surgery before your doctor said, "See you in three months."
- (For me, that was June 2020.)
3️⃣ C = Approximate Recovery Time
- C = B - A
- The length of your active treatment is a rough estimate of how long it will take before you start feeling like yourself again.
For me, that meant two years of treatment = two years of recovery time.
Now, this isn’t an exact science. It’s just a guideline to help you take the pressure off and stop pushing yourself too hard, too soon.
Recovery Takes Time—And That’s OK
Let’s be honest—while you were in treatment, you weren’t just going through medical procedures.
💥 You were in survival mode.
💥 You were fighting for your life.
💥 You were navigating trauma, fear, and exhaustion.
You don’t just bounce back from that overnight.
So please, offer yourself grace and space to heal.
What Can You Do While Your Body Recovers?
If you know me, you know I never say, "Just wait it out."
You don’t have to just sit there, exhausted, wondering if this is your life from now on.
Even if your body takes time to recover, you can support your mind and emotions starting today.
✔️ Manage stress (it makes a huge difference).
✔️ Prioritize joy—yes, really!
✔️ Get support from women who get it.
This is exactly what we do inside Thrivership School, my group coaching program designed for this exact phase of healing. You don’t have to do this alone.
Let’s Talk About It...
If this video resonated with you, I’d love to hear from you.
💬 Comment below: Did this equation help you set better expectations for your recovery?
And if you’re ready to stop feeling stuck and start moving forward, make sure to read more tips on how to get your energy back...
Sending you a big, warm hug. You’ve got this. 💙