#11: MYTH: It's all or nothing when it comes to your health!

Do you tend to be either on track or off track with your healthy habits, whether it’s going to the gym or eating healthy or even meditation?
You would not be alone!
After 20+ years of working in health and wellness, first as a personal trainer and for the past 10 years as a Health, Transformation and Calmness Coach it’s a habit I see frequently.
It’s something I call the “diet” mentality…you’re either on a diet or off a diet. And IT DOES NOT WORK!
Add to that…Negative Nancy (that negative voice in your head that beats you up!) works overtime in our heads when we’re off track, yet we still take care of everyone else…
In today’s episode I’ll be sharing:
- WHY diets and the diet mentality of all or nothing doesn’t work!
- WHY all or nothing does NOT work when it comes to healthy habits
- WHAT to try instead
I want you to know that life doesn't have to feel this way!
I invite you to join us, in the FREE CLASS: HOW TO GET YOUR ENERGY & LIFE BACK
You'll learn how to:
- Feel like your whole self, so that you can stop withdrawing and start to participate in your life again!
- Focus your energy on what you CAN control, so that you can you aren't constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop!
- Prioritize taking better care of yourself, so that you can actually do the things you want to do to stay healthy...without one ounce of guilt!