Are You Making This Common Mistake That’s Draining Your Energy?

energy exhaustion holistic healing recovery resilience
Karin Del Maestro
Are You Making This Common Mistake That’s Draining Your Energy?

Welcome to this week’s Wellbeing Wednesday! I’m Karin Del Maestro, your health coach and resilient routines expert, and today I’m addressing a crucial topic for breast cancer survivors: a common mistake that might be draining your energy and leaving you feeling more exhausted than ever.


If you’re struggling with low energy levels, diminished motivation, or the pressure to return to your pre-cancer life, you’re not alone. Many survivors make a critical mistake that exacerbates their exhaustion—pushing through fatigue as if sheer willpower alone can restore their vitality.

If this sounds familiar, let’s dive into why this approach may be hindering your recovery and what you can do about it.


The Perils of Pushing Through

One of the most common mistakes I see among survivors is the relentless pursuit of normalcy, despite ongoing exhaustion. You might find yourself attempting to power through each day, hoping that if you just keep going, your energy and enthusiasm will return. This mindset is deeply ingrained for many of us. We’re used to juggling multiple responsibilities and thriving on busyness, a pattern that’s hard to break.


I can relate to this struggle personally. There was a time when I was a single mom working full-time and managing a hectic schedule. My life was a constant whirlwind of activity. However, a life-altering car accident taught me a valuable lesson about the need to shift away from constant pushing. I realized that life could be different and that pushing myself relentlessly was not sustainable.


Why Do We Keep Pushing?

This drive to keep going, even when exhausted, often stems from a strong sense of resilience and an ingrained work ethic. Many survivors, like myself, have been conditioned to persevere through challenges. This resilience, while admirable, can become counterproductive when it morphs into an unrelenting drive to return to pre-cancer levels of activity and energy.


During cancer treatment, the mindset of pushing through is often necessary for survival. It’s a fight-or-flight response that gets us through the toughest times. However, after treatment, this same mindset can hinder our recovery. We feel compelled to meet societal and personal expectations to return to our previous state, which can lead to further exhaustion and frustration.


The Cost of Ignoring Your Body’s Needs

The problem with pushing harder is that it doesn’t address the underlying issues affecting your energy levels. Recovery from breast cancer isn’t just about physical healing; it involves emotional and mental healing as well. When we ignore the profound changes our bodies and minds have undergone and continue to push ourselves, we risk burnout.


I had a similar experience after my car accident. I returned to my gym routine and pushed myself despite severe pain. It wasn’t until a spiritual moment—a butterfly resting on my windshield—that I realized the need to let go of control and trust in a higher power. This shift in perspective allowed me to heal more effectively and align with my true needs.


A New Approach to Recovery

Recognizing that pushing through isn’t working for you can be a game changer. When you stop trying to power through exhaustion and start addressing your body’s new needs, you’ll likely see positive changes in your energy levels and overall well-being. This shift involves stepping off the hamster wheel and focusing on what your body and mind truly require.


By adopting a new perspective and supporting yourself in a way that promotes healing rather than depleting your reserves, you can approach self-care more sustainably. This balanced approach can lead to improved mood, energy, motivation, and a greater sense of connection and joy.


Taking the Next Step

If you’re ready to explore a new approach to boosting your energy and reducing stress, I invite you to join my upcoming class, **From Exhausted to Energized: 3 Keys to Boost Energy & Combat Stress**. In this class, we’ll delve deeper into how to support your body, mind, spirit, and soul in a way that aligns with your unique needs and experiences.


You don’t have to continue pushing through exhaustion. Instead, let’s find a new path together. I’m excited to help you navigate this new normal and find joy and vitality once again.


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