Breast Examinations After Breast Cancer Treatment
Have you been wondering if you should still be doing breast self-exams after your breast cancer treatment?
I was wondering the same thing!
I knew that all of my breast tissue was gone after my double mastectomy, then I had reconstruction and most recently I removed my implants due to Capsular Contracture and approximately 20 Breast Implant Illness symptoms.
Especially after explanting (the term used to remove implants) I really wasn't sure at all, about what I needed to do. What I did know, was that my anatomy felt VERY different than what I was used to! LOL
I have to say that I'm so grateful for the Know Your Lemons Foundation and their educator certification course, that I took while recovering from my explant surgery.
I now know that after treatment for breast cancer, it is especially important for a woman to continue to do a monthly breast examination. Regular examinations will help you detect local recurrences...and we know that early detection is key!
Early signs of recurrence can be noted in the incision area itself, the opposite breast, the armpit, or above the collar bone.
In my monthly BREAST HEALTH PARTY you'll learn exactly what to look for after surgery, after reconstruction, after radiation and after going flat!
- How to do your breast self-exam correctly (in 2 different positions)
- The best time of the month to do your exam. HINT: It's not always on the first #feelitonthefirst
- The 12 signs of breast cancer to be on the lookout for.
- And more...
We are going to make this serious subject one that we all tackle together.
Invite your girlfriends, whether they have had breast cancer or not and learn the right way to do your self-exam, what to look for (no matter your scenario) and what the next best step would be.
Space is Limited!
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We're in this together!