Why I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day!

self-care self-love self-respect

Confession time!

I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day. 


To me, and you are 100% entitled to your own opinion here… being told when and how to feel love, to show love, to buy gifts, feels as fake as a Barbie body is!


And just like that Barbie body gives young girls unattainable expectations for how a perfect female body should look…my belief is that a day like Valentine’s day can put so much pressure on anyone at any stage of life, whether in a romantic relationship or not… to feel loved.


But, here's the deal…I’m not buying into fake anything anymore! 


I’m not going to be told…


  • How to feel and when to feel it!
  • Why I should or shouldn’t say certain things!
  • That I have to wear make-up if I’m showing up on video!
  • How I’d look more feminine if I wore prosthetic breasts!
  • To smile, when I feel like crying!
  • That I should be over breast cancer / or losing my parents & brother by now!


Now, what you choose is entirely up to you, and to be clear…I respect your thoughts, your choices and the fact that they don’t have to be the same as mine. It doesn’t mean that we can’t still be friends!


But instead of showing love on one day of the year…my personal belief and how I choose to act, is to show myself, as well as my loved ones, love EVERY SINGLE DAY!

When was the last time you intentionally said “I’m going to show myself some love”?

Self-Love is having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness, it means taking care of your own needs (not in a selfish way, but a “me too” kinda way!) and not sacrificing your well-being just to please others. 


And self-love means not settling for less than you deserve!


I KNOW that you deserve love. That you are worthy, no matter what you’ve been through, or past decisions that you made…hey, hindsight is great, and we can all look back and say with such wisdom that we might make a different choice now.


You are deserving and worthy of love!

That being said, I’d like to do something today that I don’t usually do…I’m opening up my interview vault and sharing with you an interview I did about a year ago, for an online event I was hosting, called “Self-Love After Breast Cancer”...

This incredible event was jam packed with fabulous women sharing their stories of learning how to practice self-love and WHY it became important for them after breast cancer…

I know you’re going to love this particular interview with Jen Rozenbaum, as much as I did! 


You’ll hear how Jen believes that self-love is the difference between being alive and feeling alive


From Breast Cancer >> Brownies >> Pickleball >> Bad Ass B*tch!


Jen shares openly her journey (even crying at one point when I read a sentence from her own amazing book)...and shows up as real as can be, which is why I know we’ll continue to stay in touch.

So, grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot and enjoy this fabulous interview below ⤵️




P.P.S. If you’re wondering how to actually start practicing self-love, letting go of all of the “shoulds”, speak to yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would a friend. I can help and show you the exact formula that I’ve used for over a decade.

Want to learn more? Let’s have a cup of tea and a chat SAVE YOUR SPOT IN MY CALENDAR HERE.



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