Reclaim Your Energy After Breast Cancer

after treatment energy recovery vitality

In today's episode you'll discover:


  1. Most Doctor's aren't talking about this one thing! Yet it will help you understand why you're more tired after treatment than you likely were going through treatment! 


  1. Why this does NOT have to be how life feels from this moment on!


  1. Plus I'll be sharing how you can easily avoid the 3 biggest mistakes that most survivors are making that are huge energy zappers. 

I felt like I’d been hit by a ton of bricks!! 


A bone aching exhaustion that I’d never felt before. Even getting out of bed was difficult, let alone put on actual clothes, I mean PJ’s count don’t they??


Wondering what on earth was wrong with me, I headed off down the Google rabbit hole…I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that what I saw on social media, in the oncologist's office…were people happy and excited to be done with treatment. Ringing the bell, holding balloons with huge smiles on their faces…

Yet, this was a million miles away from what I was feeling. 

I was so confused and I’m sharing this with you because you might be too and if you’re feeling drained, like your energy is being zapped away, leaving you exhausted and utterly depleted…

You're not alone! I totally get it!

As a breast cancer survivor, I discovered through my own experience, conversations with hundreds of survivors and now years of research, it's common to experience this, but we are rarely prepared for it…and I want you to know that it doesn't have to be your new normal (even when your Doctors are telling you it’s normal to feel this way!!)!!!

What people aren’t talking about is the fact that you and I have been through a traumatic experience…as soon as we hear those spine-chilling words, “you have breast cancer” our lives are changed forever. 

And we go into “survival mode”, literally…and we stay in fight, flight freeze or fawn our whole way through treatment, (and often longer, if we don’t know how to get out of survival mode). 


You might be wondering how you recognize (without judgment) that you’re stuck in survival mode…here are just a few ways to know:

  • Trying to control everything & everyone, like a conductor and the orchestra!
  • Irritability, snapping at your nearest and dearest and then feel rotten afterwards!
  • Anxiety, feeling on edge constantly, with the slightest thing making your heart bound faster!
  • Procrastinating, knowing that you need to make some lifestyle changes but still aren’t doing it!
  • Isolating, hiding away in the bedroom and not engaging in socializing!
  • Focusing on others, thinking that if you can make everyone else happy then you’ll be happy (plus, you don’t want anyone to worry about you)!
  • Lack of identity, wondering “who am i now?”!
  • Hard time saying no, even though you’re completely exhausted!
  • And so many more!

If you are saying yes to any of these, you’ll benefit massively from the class I’m sharing below.


So…what happens to our body and mind when we hear the words “see you in 3 months” we now feel safer than we’d been feeling and we are suddenly hit with all of the exhaustion from what we’ve been going through all in one go!


Why our Doctor’s don’t prepare for this, I’m not sure…but it fuels my reason to make sure that you get to learn why you feel this way and what you can do about it!!


I found hope and healing through the strategies I'll be sharing in this class. And now, I want to pass that hope on to you.


That's why I'm thrilled to invite you to our upcoming complimentary class, "How to Get Your Energy and Life Back in 2024." 


In this 60-min live online class, we'll delve into 

  1. The three common mistakes that survivors often make after treatment, mistakes that could be draining your energy every single day. Imagine finally understanding why you feel the way you do and, more importantly, discovering what you can do about it? 
  2. Get instant relief from overwhelm by learning the right way to focus your time and energy, so you can feel calm and confident in your journey towards health and vitality.
  3. Embrace a roadmap to navigate life after treatment, rediscover who you are today, clarify what you want in your life, and use your experience to inspire and uplift others.

Join us and witness the transformation in your own life. 


Picture waking up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead—that's the kind of transformation we're talking about.

You and I both know the heart bursting feeling of getting to dance around the living room, play with your dog or grandkids at the park?

Don't let fatigue hold you back from living your best life, a life not defined by a diagnosis.


Take the first step towards reclaiming your energy and vitality. RSVP for our zero cost class now and say goodbye to energy zappers for good!


Oh and with all of my classes, there is a replay if you can’t join us live…so go ahead and register anyway.


Perhaps you haven’t been through breast cancer but can totally relate to being in survival mode and struggling with your energy levels? You my friend, are totally welcome to join us too… Save your spot here.



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3 Keys to Get Your Energy Back!

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