30 Quick, Easy & Inexpensive Ways to Practice Self-Care
Free 30-Day Downloadable Self-Care Calendar
I'm often asked "Karin, if I could focus on just ONE THING to improve my mental & physical health...what would that be?"
That ONE THING is, without a doubt = SELF-CARE!
When we focus on our self-care first, it affects everything else in our life, from what we eat, how we speak to ourselves, how we manage our stress, even reducing toxic chemicals in our lives AND how we prioritize all of these things!
Thats why consistent self-care is the ONE thing that silences our nagging fear of recurrence!
Having said that, I do know that creating a daily self-care habit isn't always easy...let's be honest, sometimes its so much easier to focus on what others want, than to notice what we might need.
And if a 3 hour spa treatment is what pops into your head when you think of self-care...well, we all know that we don't have time (or money) for that every day!
But what if I were to tell you that self-care doesn't need to be hard, time consuming or expensive and that without it, we are putting our physical and mental health at risk?
Would it be more appealing? You betcha it would!
To read more about WHY self-care is so important after breast cancer CLICK HERE.
Now, I don't know about you, but I need visual reminders to keep me on track...even when something is super important to me...are you the same way? Without that reminder, you get to the end of the day and start beating yourself up for forgetting your self-care AGAIN??
Well that just plain old doesn't feel good...so how about we stop doing that?
I made a 30-Day Self-Care Calendar to keep myself accountable, and I'm sharing it with you. GRAB YOUR CALENDAR HERE.
What you may not yet realize is that self-care can purely be a shift in the intention with which we do our daily things!
Let me show you how easy it can really be...
Instead of waking up and rushing to check your email, see what's happened on social media overnight, grabbing a cold piece of toast...while all you can hear is "mom, mom, mom, MOM"
I Invite you to try this instead...
Simply ask yourself, how am I going to care for and nourish my body today?
Quick & easy ways to practice self-care with what you eat.
- Make a smoothie - need a recipe?
- Enjoy a quiet cup of tea - check out my faves, I love the Chakra teas.
- Stay hydrated.
- Add Vitamin "L" (love) to everything you and your family are consuming. Make your food with love, even if it's just for yourself!
- Make a weekly meal plan
- Add an extra fruit or veggie to each meal.
- Be mindful when you're eating, sit down and focus on chewing your food and enjoying the flavor.
Need a whole 30-Days of Self-Care Ideas...get your calendar here.
Let's be real, you may have noticed that life is stressful!
But the truth is, although we can control some of the things that are stressful, there are always going to be those things out of our control, like a loss, a breast cancer diagnosis, a sick family member, even losing a job, to name just a few!
The key is to have a very robust toolbox full of tools to help you manage the stress when it hits. This is especially important knowing that over 80% of breast cancer patients experienced massive amounts of stress 12-48 months prior to their diagnosis.
Are you one of them? I am!
Let's explore some easy self-care tools to keep the stress under control, make sure to practice these regularly, so as not to let the stress push you to a breaking point. If you're not sure how to fit them in, I show you exactly how in your 30-Day Self-Care Calendar.
- Take an Epsom Salts bath
- Stretch
- Take a nap
- Call a friend (pick wisely...no energy vampires!)
- Read a book - I love anything by Brene Brown, but Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection had the biggest impact in my life.
- Go for a walk outside
- Practice breathing
- Enjoy a mindful moment or meditation
You may think I've lost my mind here...but humor me for a second, while I explain.
Choosing to lower your exposure to harmful chemicals (that can cause anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, hot flashes, skin issues, brain fog, bloating and much more serious issues like disrupting our hormones and even causing cancer) is a MAJOR act of self-care.
The message you are sending to yourself is that you and your health matter and that you are going to make that a priority in your life.
Here are some quick, easy and inexpensive ways to start showing your self that you care...
- Open the windows for 10-mins a day
- No shoes in the house
- Clean out your old make-up - for cleaner options, BEAUTYCOUNTER* is my fave brand
- No electronics 2 hours before bed
- Switch to safer body wash (for the whole fam...please don't forget the significant other and kids - there's are often the MOST toxic!) - Here's my fave.
- Get rid of toxic air-fresheners.
- Choose organic produce when food shopping - you can even do it on a budget by using the Dirty Dozen as a guide, get yours here.
- Show your beautiful face some safer TLC - a little extra lovin' for the part of our bodies that shows our story in wrinkles. My fave treat for my face.
When it comes to switching to safer...don't put the pressure on yourself to do it all at once. Check out how I've put these self-care tips on your 30-Day Calendar.
What nourishes your soul?
Do you even know?
This area of our self-care is THE most important...this is where we get more personal, deeper, starting to connect with our deep desires, wants and needs.
This is where we give ourself the opportunity to start letting go of limiting beliefs that we've held into and given power to...honestly, for most of us for decades.
This is the most important because, if we don't believe that we are enough (smart enough, good enough, pretty enough, worthy enough....) that belief will prevent us from ever being able to prioritize our self-care.
If you've spent your life...
- Putting everyone else's needs first
- Being a care-giver
- Try to make everyone else happy
- Finding yourself at the bottom of the to-do list
- Getting frustrated because you don't have a minute to just focus on yourself
It's time to stop!
I know, I know...easier said than done!
Trust me, I do know...I used to be that way. And the wonderful women in our Moving Forward Membership know that prioritizing our self-care falls into every aspect of living a healthy and balanced life.
What can you do to start self-care for your soul?
- Dance like no one is watching - Boogie Wonderland, by Earth, Wind & Fire is ALWAYS in my soundtrack, as well as Dancing Queen by ABBA! Yes, I'm showing my age lol.
- Write 3 things that you're grateful for. Gratitude can change your day!
- Accept a compliment, and just say thank you!
- Go to bed early - snuggle up and read a book or listen to a mindful moment.
- Buy yourself fresh flowers - they don't need to be expensive, they just need to make you smile!
- Have a PJ & Stay Day - yup, just like it sounds...stay at home in your PJ's all day! Spend the day however you'd like...productive or snuggled up Netflix and binge watching your fave show (My hubby and I loved SUITS).
- Look in the mirror and smile, accepting the woman in front of you without any judgement
As you can now see, self-care does not need to be hard, time consuming or selfish. And please remember that consistent self-care is the ONE thing that silences our nagging fear of recurrence!!
Self-care is necessary to our mental and physical health and wellbeing...I invite you to welcome in daily self-care with your very own 30-Day Self-Care Calendar and see how easy it can really be, when you just shift your focus a little.
I'd love to know what you think of these easy tips...or if you have any others to share with me, simply drop them in the comments below.
And because I know that you care about others too...don't forget to forward and share this blog with your friends, you never know how you may help someone when they most need it. xoxo Karin