#7: Forgiveness and Recovery, A Missing Link

Are you not as far along in your recovery as you think you should be? Has it been week’s, month’s years longer than you thought and you still don't feel like yourself again?
Do you want to change up some things that could help lower your risk of recurrence?
Today, I’m sharing the correlation between Forgiveness & recovery. I'll be sharing a missing link, rarely discussed when it comes to recovering after breast cancer.
You’ll learn:
- HOW forgiveness could affect your recovery!
- The link between sweeping things under the rug (but not really) and breast cancer!
- The first 3 steps to take to start forgiving, so that you can begin this next stage of your life by letting go of what no longer serves you!
What are you holding onto?
- A grudge?
- Words that you wanted to say but didn't?
- Feeling unvalidated, unloved, disrespected by loved ones who just don't get you or haven't or were not capable of giving you what you wanted or deserved?
- A decision made, that you now regret or wish you'd made differently?
Welcome to the human experience!
None of us are perfect, and as we grow through life things might reveal themselves differently than they appeared when we were "in it".
HOW forgiveness could affect your recovery!
If we hold onto those things...our bodies are keeping the score.
There's a saying "our issues are in our tissues"
Our body remembers every conversation, every feeling, and is often why we might feel triggered by something but not always realize why.
This is why in my group coaching program Thrivership School, we have a monthly class called Your Body Speaks Your Mind and we translate what your body might be saying to you, in the form of aches, pains and tightness. And then, because I never like to leave you hanging, you'll learn from Stacey Stone, Breath Work to help unwind your body, so that you can begin to process your mind.
Where you mind goes, your energy flows.
Directly impacting your energy level!
The link between sweeping it under the rug and breast cancer...
- Carry other peoples burdens
- Need to please - don’t express our feelings
- Lack of closeness often with one or both parents - why
- Holding onto anger/ resentment/hostility
- Feel like you’re barely holding on
- Have a hard time resolving conflicts
These are ALL on the Cancer Personality Checklist…as created and studied over 3 decades by Dr. W. Douglas Brodie, and therefore if you'd like to take steps to start lowering your risk for recurrence...doesn't it make sense to make room for these?
3 steps to start forgiving...
1. Ask and get honest "what am I holding onto?"
- A grudge?
- Words that you wanted to say but didn't?
- Feeling unvalidated, unloved, disrespected by loved ones who just don't get you or haven't or were not capable of giving you what you wanted or deserved?
- A decision made, that you now regret or wish you'd made differently?
A huge part of being emotionally prepared to get unstuck and move forward is forgiveness = Forgiving yourself for what you didn’t know in the past is key to our recovery, healing... Mind ,body, soul!
Forgive yourself for the decisions you made in the past that brought you to this point.
Offer yourself grace…had you known better; you may have made a different choice.
Forgive yourself. Not just once.
Again and again and again.
As many times as it takes to find peace.
Forgiveness...is not only about others but yourself too, and we often forget that part...it is the only way to truly let go.
So, ask yourself today, WITHOUT JUDGMENT...what are you holding onto?
If you'd like to get your hands on the Cancer Personality Checklist, simply shoot me an email: [email protected], with the subject CHECKLIST…and I'll reply and send over your checklist xo