#13: Coping with the Fear of Recurrence, Without Meditating 8 Hours a Day!

breast cancer conversations stress
Karin Del Maestro
#13: Coping with the Fear of Recurrence, Without Meditating 8 Hours a Day!

Do you feel like you’re walking around, just waiting for the next bomb to go off? And when you mention it to any health professional they just recommend meditation?

And if you hear it one more time, you’ll explode!

 I made myself, my husband and my children a promise...that I’d do everything in my power to NOT get this disease again.

Not only did I have breast cancer, but I also carry the BRCA2 genetic mutation, so that’s a really big black cloud that follows me around. So today I want to share a few of the things that I do, to help myself with that overwhelming fear, so that I can keep that promise!


But first, I invite you to think back to school days...and taking exams.

Do you remember the feeling when you walk into an exam and you’ve studied hard, you know that you just couldn’t have done anymore?

That’s the feeling I want you to have when you walk in for your next exam, scan, or follow up.

How do we get that feeling...?


  1. I’m flat now after explanting my reconstruction, but continue to do my monthly self-exam. Discover what happened just a few months ago, when you listen to the episode above.
  2. Rethinking daily habits, so that you can feel as prepared as you can (just like the exam) is what I've found works for me and the other breast cancer survivors I work with. My approach looks at what you eat...adopting an anti-inflammatory style. Eating fresh food, made from scratch...organic when possible. Staying away from take-outs, and processed packaged foods, alcohol, and also that demon sugar!
  3. Reducing toxins around our home, but also recognizing that stress is the forgotten toxin! I speak to hundreds of BC survivors, most of whom went through massive amounts of stress before they received their diagnosis. 
  4. Managing stress, without meditating 8 hours a hour! The value of meditation is 15 mins 2 x day. PLUS, know where your stress is coming from...can you control the stress? Or are you stressing about things that you can’t control?


KNOWING that you are prioritizing reducing your risk, helps to alleviate the fear. Focusing on things like...

  • Rethinking daily habits
  • Reducing toxins including stress
  • Focusing on what you can control

I warmly invite you to sign up for my upcoming Masterclass:

What to Expect After Breast Cancer Treatment Ends

PLUS 4 Ways You Can Help to Boost Your Recovery and Lower Your Risk Factors for Recurrence!



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