Take a guilt free nap for more energy!

energy self-care


Have you ever noticed that no matter how tired you feel you just keep pushing and pushing?  

Maybe it's because...  

~ You don't want to let people down 

~ You don't feel like you have the right to rest, you had to rest so much during treatment 

~ You want to repay the people that helped you during treatment ~ You aren't comfortable with saying no to people and just want to help as much as you can.  

It's hard when the people around us can't understand our level of fatigue and we feel judged and put pressure on ourselves to keep going.  

What I share in today's video is your action plan to help you take that guilt free nap, or just put your feet up.  

Let me know if you're going to give this a try!  

To follow along, grab your 30-Day Energy Boosting Calendar HERE: https://bit.ly/3pa3UHZ  

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