Yes! You Can Stick to Your Health Goals and Have a Cocktail Too!

food self-care

Throughout my 15+ years in the health and wellness field...alcohol is one of the most common things I'm asked about. Especially when it comes to losing weight, so many women say to me, "Do I have to give up my cocktail or glass of wine? It just takes off the edge at the end of a crazy day." 

The key thing really is moderation. I don't believe in my opinion, it leads to bingeing and a negative mindset. And I'm not a fan of either of those things!

So, it's about finding balance, being able to eat healthily and enjoy your occasional cocktail, without feeling guilty.

What does matter, however, is what is IN those cocktails.

Whether you are on vacation, at a 4th of July party, or just at the end of a long day, a clean cocktail will help you take off the edge without adding to your waistline.


And, don't forget to be kind to the environment and ditch the plastic straws. I love to use stainless steel ones...worth the price, they'll last a lifetime and come with a handy brush for cleaning 🌎.

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