Your Path to a Healthier & Happier You

analysis paralysis anxiety consistency fatigue happiness health motivation research self-compassion small steps

Welcome to Wellbeing Wednesday!

Today, we're diving into a topic that's both simple and complex: finding your path to a healthier and happier you after breast cancer. If you're struggling with low energy, lack of motivation, or feeling lost after treatment, you're in the right place.


I’m Karin Del Maestro, your health coach and resilient routines expert. My passion is teaching you the art of building habits that withstand life's pressures, from stress and fatigue to those sneaky chocolate cravings.

After my own breast cancer journey, I realized there's a significant gap in support after treatment. During treatment, we're often guided step by step. But once it's over, many of us feel like the rug has been pulled out from under us.


That's why I shifted my entire coaching practice to support breast cancer survivors during this challenging time.


The Post-Treatment Struggle

I've heard from many survivors that life after treatment can be harder than the treatment itself. The transition from being handheld through every step to suddenly facing the "what now?" can be overwhelming. This often leads to two common scenarios:


  1. The Inquisitive Investigator: Constantly researching the right things to do but feeling paralyzed by the sheer volume of information. You're trying to find that one perfect solution to reduce your risk of recurrence but end up stuck in analysis paralysis.


  1. The Consistency Chaser: You've decided on the right thing to do and go all in, but life keeps getting in the way. Whether it's fatigue, a flat tire, or just everyday interruptions, consistency feels impossible, and you're back at square one, over and over again.


If either of these sounds like you, know that you're not alone. I've been in the health and wellness field for over 20 years, first as a personal trainer and now as a health coach, working closely with women daily. The struggle is real, but there's another option: becoming a Resilient Rockstar.


Embracing Resilience

A Resilient Rockstar is someone who knows exactly what to do when life throws curveballs, maintaining progress instead of throwing in the towel. It's about mastering the basics—drinking more water, eating more fruits and veggies, moving your body, managing stress—before taking on bigger challenges.

It's okay to start small. In fact, it's necessary.


After my own health crisis—a car accident in 2012 that left me with five herniated discs—I learned the importance of self-compassion and setting realistic expectations. I went from being a highly active personal trainer and single mom to barely able to walk. The accident forced me to slow down and focus on what I could do rather than what I couldn't.


This experience prepared me for my breast cancer journey and taught me how to be kind to myself.


Offering Yourself Compassion

It's crucial to offer yourself the same love and kindness you'd offer others. Your body has been through a lot, and it's not fair to expect it to bounce back immediately. Acknowledge the difficulty and be compassionate towards yourself. This doesn't mean you're failing; it means you're healing.


How I can help...Introducing the Five-Day Summer Reset

I'm excited to introduce the Five-Day Summer Reset, starting June 22nd. This program is specifically designed for breast cancer survivors but is open to anyone feeling resonated with this message.

Each day, you'll receive a task that takes less than five minutes to complete, accompanied by a short audio message for inspiration.


Here's what you can expect:

- **Daily Tasks**: Small, manageable steps that integrate into your daily life.

- **Inspiring Audio Messages**: Listen anywhere, anytime.

- **Community Support**: Join our Healthy Living After Breast Cancer Facebook community.

- **Simple Habits Tracker**: Measure and celebrate your small wins.


These tasks are designed to respect your current energy levels and progress, not perfection. The goal is to build momentum and confidence, helping you trust yourself and your body again.


Are You Ready to Join Us? CLICK HERE.


Life after breast cancer is hard, but you don't have to navigate it alone. Join our Five-Day Summer Reset and take the first step towards a healthier and happier life. It's free, and all the details will be sent to your email once you sign up. Together, we'll build habits that withstand life's challenges, including fatigue, stress, and even chocolate cravings.


Thank you for watching.


I can't wait to see your name pop up in our Five-Day Summer Reset. Let's embark on this journey to resilience and well-being together.



















4Ā EASY Steps toĀ Start Eating Healthier After Breast CancerĀ 

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