#10: How to improve your energy levels, by changing just one thing.

energy mindset self-care

Fatigue is by far the biggest side-effect from Breast Cancer Treatment and we are told by our doctors that "IT'S NORMAL"!! 

BUT, that doesn't mean that you can't make some simple shifts to give yourself an energy boost!! 


Today’s episode is especially for you if you say yes to any of the following:


  • You want everyone to like you
  • You tend to avoid conflict
  • You like to make sure that everyone around you is happy
  • You hate saying no
  • You always take on extra responsibility
  • You apologize all the time, even when it’s not your fault
  • You look for validation from others constantly
  • You don’t tend to share your feelings, so as to protect someone else’s
  • You have a hard time taking sick days

These are the most common characteristics we might see in someone who is a people pleaser. You tend to put other people’s needs before your own, and often have trouble advocating for yourself.


Where your mind goes, your energy flows


And with the average number of approximately 100,000 thoughts per day, that has the potential to be a lot of energy!!


Some food for thought...How can you expect to get your energy back, when you give every ounce of everything you have to everyone else?


I get it…I used to do the exact same thing…especially after my divorce when I was a single mum.


In this episode you’re going to learn:

  1. 3 Things you can’t control but are likely thinking about

  2. How focusing on what you CAN’T control is zapping your energy

  3. What to focus on instead

Let's dive in...


  1. 3 Things you can’t control but are likely thinking about:

    The future, the past, what other people say, think, believe, feel or do...how much of your day is spent thinking about these things?
  2. How focusing on what you CAN’T control is zapping your energy:

    See video for demonstration :)
  3. What to focus on instead:

    Focus on what you CAN control…
  • your actions,
  • your reactions,
  • whether or not you hold onto grudges or let them go,
  • choosing to be present and adaptable to change (the key to post traumatic growth)
  • how and with whom you spend your time,
  • taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs.


THE ONE SHIFT…is to actually focus on what you CAN control. 



Remember: Where your mind goes, your energy flows….


Is it really realistic to expect to get your energy back when you give every ounce of everything you have to everyone else?

CLICK BELOW and CLAIM YOUR Ultimate Crazed to Calm Toolkit and start learning how to focus on what you CAN! FREE GIFT: https://bit.ly/C2CToolkit-KDM



Todays Tea was the Third Eye Chakra Tea from Buddha Teas for Insight & Intuition. SHOP HERE*

* denotes that Karin receives a small commission for purchases made, with no affect to your pricing.



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