#18: Self-Care Doesn't Need to be Time Consuming, Expensive or Hard to be Effective!

breast cancer conversations self-care
Karin Del Maestro
#18: Self-Care Doesn't Need to be Time Consuming, Expensive or Hard to be Effective!

Have you ever found yourself rolling your eyes when someone starts talking about self-care?

Your inner whisper saying REALLY?

With what time...I'll just wave a magic wand and find an extra 3 hours in my day, because I barely have time to even pee already???

Or Perhaps your inner voice sounds more like this...with what energy??? I can barely get through my day as it is!!


But if you're finding that you spend every available ounce of your time and energy taking care of what everyone else needs...then PLEASE listen to this episode, because it's especially for you my friend.

Now you know that self-care is important...you know that it’s something you “should” be doing...BUT HOW???


In this episode we look at why self-care needs to be quick, easy and inexpensive if we are truly going to be able to create a consistent self-care practice...and of course (if you know me by now, you know I'm not going to leave you without telling you how!) HOW you can actually begin to make some easy shifts to put yourself at the top of your to-do list without feeling overwhelmed anymore.


I've even put together a FREE Downloadable 30-Day Self-Care Calendar to make the transition a little bit easier for you, if you're anything like me, you like a visual reminder otherwise all bets are off?


Need some more inspiration for quick, easy and inexpensive self-care? READ HERE.


Don't forget to pop back and let me know which of these you're going to try :)

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