What You Need to Know About Toxins & Breast Cancer
You've probably heard all the talk about toxins in our world, especially over the past few years. It's a big topic for good reason!
We are currently living in a world of toxic overload that is leading to chronic, serious illness for so many.
I talk a lot about how we can help ourselves to lower our risk of breast cancer specifically, but know that this topic affects ALL of us.
I invite you to consider these statistics:
Only 15% of breast cancer diagnosis are due to genetics.
That means that 85% of breast cancer diagnosis are due to environmental factors.
The average American (Pre-COVID-19) spends 70% of their time in their home. Obviously, for so many of us... that has increased dramatically.
Today, I'd like to share a few of the main places toxins are coming from in your home and what you can do about them.
I want you to know, that this does not mean that you have to live in a bubble. Actually, it means you'll know where toxins are coming from, so that you can replace them with other products that are either free of toxins or less toxic.
I think it's really important to note, that you don't need to change everything all in one go! So please don't feel overwhelmed.
In fact, I hadn't made some of these switches until after my breast cancer and BRCA2 diagnosis. But, for me that was the catalyst to learn more about these environmental toxins and do what I could to eliminate them from our home.
And fulfill the promise I made to myself... and that's to do everything in my power to not get this disease again. PLUS to help you to do the same...whether you're a survivor, carry a gene mutation that increases your risk, or just a woman or man, that wants to lower your risk of breast cancer and other serious diseases.
I'm super lucky because my hubby, Mike, is completely onboard with these safer swaps and to be honest with you, it's taking these action steps that helps me to combat that constant fear and helpless feeling that can follow you around like a big black cloud...and I KNOW it will help you too!
Before we dive in, I just wanted to let you know that I've put together a 5-Day Intro to Reducing Toxins for you, so that you don't need to take notes or, worse (hello chemo/breast cancer brain) try to remember!
Ditch the household cleaners to protect yourself from potential illness.
Household cleaners are not what they once were, made of all-natural ingredients. Instead, they are made of a multitude of harmful chemicals that are linked to cancer, asthma, developmental and reproductive harm.
Cleaning products can release a high amount of chemicals into the air.
Many ingredients may not seem so harmful because we've become so used to using these things in our normal lives, but there are quite a few we should stay away from including fragrances. EWG (Environmental Working Group) has tested 21 commonly used cleaning products and found that they emitted more than 450 chemicals into the air.
Some helpful tips:
1.Stop using cleaning products that include ammonia or chlorine bleach.
They are highly toxic. When these chemicals are accidentally mixed together, they create dangerous chloramine gas.
2.Get rid of toilet cleaners, oven cleaners or heavy-duty degreasers containing hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium or potassium hydroxide, or ethanolamines.
These chemicals can cause skin burns, blindness and lung irritation.
3.Toss the air fresheners in the garbage.
Avoid scented cleaning or laundry products that don't provide fragrance ingredients on their label too. These products are known to trigger allergies and may contain endocrine disruptors, known as phthalates.
4. Avoid products made with triclosan.
Triclosan is an antimicrobial that has been linked to allergies and disruption of thyroid function.
CLICK HERE to see what I use to clean my home.
Nope, we're not talking about food, YET.
You probably already have an idea about the toxins in our food, water and air, but there are some others lurking around in places you never imagined. Let's learn a bit below. Toxins are not limited to these mentioned, but they're a place to start.
1. Chloramine
Your tap water is not clean. Municipal water suppliers add chlorine or chloramine, chlorine plus ammonia, to disinfect water. Hmmm which sounds better? Chloramine irritates the respiratory system and is known to cause asthma in its vapor form. It is also corrosive and can leach lead from the pipes that it's coming through.
CLICK HERE for my favorite water filter system.
2. Dioxin
You know those handy paper towels you use to clean up the messes, whether it’s your kid or spouse or pets? They contain dioxin which is found in paper towels and napkins that have been bleached using a chlorine process.
It is one of the most toxic chemicals known and is formed as a by-product from the paper bleaching process. And it's in our paper towels and napkins!
We like to use cloth napkins (that are nothing fancy, in fact they are cotton dishcloths that are inexpensive and durable).
3. Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs)
Those nonstick pots and pans that you love, have a little something extra that you're not going to love. PFCs are endocrine disruptors that have been linked to reproductive problems, as well as negative effects on the liver and kidneys.
(Psst...any time you learn about anything that's endocrine (hormone) disrupting, know that it can also be increasing your risk of breast cancer.)
Stainless steel or cast iron are much safer choices.
Here's a little Karin Hack for cleaning your stainless pans...simply fill with water and put on to boil, when it reaches a gentle boil, use a wooden spatula and gently remove any baked on bits. They'll come off easily in the boiling water!
4. 2-butoxyethanol
Can you even pronounce this? I know it's not in your food, but you're using it to clean your glasses and ovens. The vapors released from 2-butoxyethanol are extremely irritating to the throat and lungs, especially when used in poorly ventilated areas. It can even contribute to severe liver and kidney damage.
In the state of California, it is listed as a "hazardous substance". Do you want to be using this?
So, you might be thinking "Hey Karin, how do I actually implement these changes without feeling overwhelmed?"
Well, I don't want you to worry, because I get it!
That's why I invite you to join me for my FREE...
5-Day Intro to Reducing Toxins - The Easy Way!
Not only will I guide you step-by-step through the exact process to discover how toxic your current products are, I'll share the products I have researched and use, and how to make better choices for you and your family, even if you're on a budget!
As soon as you walk into your bathroom in the morning, you're loading yourself up with toxins. It starts with anti-bacterial soap, then toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner and soap that get lathered on your body, to the deodorant you apply so you don't start stinking by the first meeting of your day.
You may want to clean yourself with only water by the time you're done reading what's to come. Yikes!
1. Toothpaste
Starting with fluoride, its known to be the holy magic in our toothpastes, but let's check again. Fluoride is actually highly toxic and when it is accumulated in your body, it has been linked to lead to bone cancer, thyroid disorders and most recently even type 2 diabetes. I stopped using fluoride years ago and haven't had any issues. Question whether you should be allowing fluoride in your toothpaste.
Aside from fluoride, there is a long list of toxic chemicals in your toothpaste that you want to look out for including artificial colors, carrageenan, DEA, formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, parabens, polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Lauren Sulfate.
What a list… Red #30, Red #33, Blue #1, Yellow #5 are mainly targeting children with all those bright colors so they'll actually want to brush their teeth. Too bad these colors are contaminated with carcinogens and heavy metals.
Carrageenan is linked to intestinal inflammation and cancer, even in small doses. Preservatives releasing small amounts of formaldehyde right into your mouth, allowing this carcinogen to be absorbed through the mucosal lining of the mouth. Parabens are endocrine disrupting chemicals that mimic estrogen and can lead to cancer. Beware of the other chemicals listed that are exposing you to more toxins.
This is the toothpaste that we use. (We love the fact that it has a tool to help squeeze out every last drop).
2. Soaps, Shampoo & Conditioner, Lotions and Sunscreen
The ingredient lists are scary. There are more than 12 toxic ingredients added to our shampoos and conditioners being used daily. Being aware of them can help avoid them as much as possible.
The 12 I'm sharing today are:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (just like in your toothpaste),
Cocamidopropyl betaine,
Polyethylene glycol,
Potassium sorbate,
Retinol palmitate,
Behentrimonium chloride,
We won’t go into each of these toxins, just know they are not doing you any good. Many of them are cancer-causing ingredients, causing liver damage, skin rashes, triggering autoimmune diseases, depression, diarrhea and eye damage.
They are also known to clog up your lymphatic system, cause endocrine disruption and induce major organ system toxicity. Some are even known to shut down the central nervous system.
We use Beautycounter for all of our personal care products, you can take a look HERE.
3. Deodorant
We used to think of it as a way to stay smelling fresh and prevent us from sweating. We've got it all wrong. Most commonly known deodorants contain aluminum compounds, parabens, steareths, triclosan, propylene glycol, TEA and DEA, and artificial colors.
Aluminum exposure has been linked with the development of Alzheimer's disease and interferes with estrogen levels.
Parabens are probably one of the most harmful additives, which act as estrogen in your body which disrupts hormonal balances.
Steareths and Triclosan produce carcinogens.
TEA and DEA affect your liver and kidneys. They've already been banned from products in Europe because they are known carcinogens.
Many of the ingredients mentioned affect estrogen levels which makes for a higher risk for breast and prostate cancer.
Finding a safe YET effective deodorant has always been a challenge, until now, there's a new clean on the horizon and it actually works!
4. Makeup
Yikes! If you're already thinking about throwing away all of your personal care products, keep the trash open as you go through your makeup.
I know the fear that could be surfacing.
My makeup gives me confidence to show up on my ZOOM calls and virtual meetings with clients every day! That's why I'm so happy to have found a brand that I love and trust implicitly, so much so, that I've been a consultant with them for over 6 years! You can check out Beautycounter HERE. With a NEVER LIST of over 1800 harmful ingredients that we will never use, you can be reassured that we are the leaders in clean beauty.
Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]
REGISTER HERE for the FREE 5 - Day Intro to Reducing Toxins - The Easy Way, I'll show you exactly how to check all of these products and find the ones that work for you AND your budget, without feeling an ounce of overwhelm.
Trust me, I'm a fan of simple and easy...and I do all of the research and studying, so that you don't need to!
It's NO joke. Our foods are now loaded with so many chemicals, that we need to step up and take some action to control what we are putting in our bodies.
I'm sure you've heard of the saying "You are what you eat", well it's true!
GMO's, pesticides, additives and contaminants have taken over our food supply. To keep this list short and basic, here are just a few of the toxins you should look out for when grocery shopping.
You have more control than you think to keep these toxins out of your home and off of your dinner plate.
1. Pesticides
These are used to raise and treat produce and other products. They often leave behind residue and have been linked to everything from cancer to birth defects.
2. GMOs
Genetically modified organisms are found in about 70% of processed foods with corn, soy, cottonseed, canola and sugar need-based ingredients. GMOs may cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility.
3. Nitrates/Nitrites
Nitrates are chemicals added to processed foods to give color and prolong shelf life. Both nitrates and nitrites can form nitrosamines in the body, which increase your risk of developing cancer. These are often added to cured sandwich meats, bacon, hot dogs, salami and sausages.
These chemicals also contaminate drinking water because of nitrogen-based fertilizers, as well as livestock and human waste.
Gross, right? According to the National Cancer Institute, nitrates in tap water also increases the risk of cancer.
4. Additives
More than 10,000 additives are allowed in our food. Some are added and some get into food while processing, storing and packaging. Many have been linked to serious health problems, including endocrine disruption and even cancer. Just a few to mention are:
Artificial colors,
Natural flavoring,
BHA and BHT,
Nitrates and nitrites,
Potassium bromate,
Parabens and many others.
I truly understand how all of this can feel mind blowing...but it doesn't need to feel that way. With a few simple hacks, that I'll be sharing in the FREE 5-Day Intro to Reducing Toxins - The Easy Way!
You'll be well on your way to choosing food for yourself and your family, that will not only be less toxic, but you'll have more energy, better sleep, improved skin, less bloat and hello,...even improve your sex drive!
AND you can even do it on a budget too!
Not only is plastic contaminating our planet and harming the animals, but plastic is affecting each and every one of us. Plastic contains a few elements we don't want to get into our systems, so let's try to go Plastic Free!
1. BPA, BPS, and BPF
Bisphenols are found in plastic food containers, bottles. They are endocrine disrupting chemicals that have been associated with thyroid and reproductive problems, obesity, heart disease and higher cancer risks.
2. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
PET is used to make plastic bottles and other food and beverage containers that have the recycling symbol No. 1. It is also an endocrine disrupting chemical and has been linked to thyroid and reproductive problems.
Let's all say NO to plastic!
One simple step that you can take today, is to use refillable glass or stainless steel water bottles. There are many different styles available these days.
CLICK HERE for one of my favorite water bottles.
Phew, I understand that it can feel like a lot, all of these sciency names & chemicals galore! But here's the deal...I am not a scientist, I am a woman just like you, who wants to reduce my risk of breast cancer and I have made all of these changes over time and therefore I know that you can too.
I've studied under an Environmental Expert, learned words I didn't even know existed, so that I can break this down into easy and doable steps for you and that being said...
Here are your best next steps...
If you're ready to start reducing toxins and help lower your risk of breast cancer and other serious diseases, then I invite you to join me for the FREE 5-Day Intro to Reducing Toxins - The Easy Way!
In less that 15 minutes each day, you'll begin to make amazing strides to reduce your toxic load!
If you have any questions regarding toxins, or other ways that you can help lower your risk of breast cancer, please feel free to reach out: [email protected]
Staying healthy and lowering your risk of breast cancer, does not need to be intimidating!
xoxo Karin