From the lowest I've ever felt, to believing any and everything IS possible!

boundaries chemotherapy double mastectomy healthy lifestyle lump mindset thrivership school trauma treatment plan

Hey there, lovely!

I just had to share this incredible story with you about one of our amazing Thrivers... Martha and how she’s been totally transformed since joining Thrivership School.

You know how we’ve talked about finding something that truly helps us grow and heal after everything we've been through?

Well, Martha found it, in Thrivership School and it’s been a game-changer for her. I think it could be for you too!


So, Martha’s journey started when she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 52. She went through the whole whirlwind – double mastectomy, 16 rounds of chemo, 28 days of radiation, and she’s even gearing up for reconstructive surgery. Can you imagine?

The physical and emotional toll was immense. Martha had to fight hard, not just against cancer but to get the care and support she needed. She had to advocate for herself every step of the way, which, as you know, is exhausting on top of everything else.

After her active treatment ended, Martha hit a real low point. I think that’s something we can all relate to – that moment when you’ve been fighting so hard and then suddenly, it’s quiet, and you’re left with all these emotions.

She felt so lost and overwhelmed.

That’s when our mutual friend, Jan, connected her with me and the Thrivership School program. At first, Martha was hesitant about joining a group – she didn’t want to feel like she was just another person with cancer in a support group.

But she took the plunge, and wow, has it made a difference!

Thrivership School isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving (hence the name, right?). Martha learned how to set boundaries and prioritize self-care – things we often put on the back burner. She’s gone from being in constant “fight or flight” mode to feeling grounded and empowered.

She even started rediscovering her passions!

She’s working on writing, building a website, and she’s planning a cruise to Alaska. Can you believe that?

What’s really amazing is how open Martha has become about sharing her journey. She’s even talked about her experience with her priest to help raise awareness and support others. She’s learned that being vulnerable and authentic is so much more powerful than trying to put on a brave face all the time. It’s inspiring to see her embrace her story and use it to help others.


Martha is also exploring new business opportunities. She’s looking into turning her passions, like writing and health/wellness, into a sustainable business. She’s got a friend with technical expertise helping her, and they’re thinking about creating ebooks, a blog, and maybe even offering coaching services.

It’s so exciting to see her dreams starting to take shape!

The real magic of Thrivership School is the community. Martha and I both talk about how important it is to have a group of people who get it – who understand what you’re going through and can support you.

We both emphasize the power of vulnerability and leading by example. Sharing their struggles and low points has been transformative, not just for them, but for everyone in the group. It’s about showing up and helping each other through the tough times.


Honestly, seeing Martha’s transformation has been incredible. She’s gone from feeling lost and overwhelmed to empowered and excited about the future.

If Thrivership School can do that for her, imagine what it could do for you.

I really think it’s worth checking out.

If you’re ready to take that step and see how Thrivership School can help you thrive after breast cancer, why not book a free call with me? We can chat more about it and see if it’s the right fit for you. You deserve to feel supported and empowered on your journey.

Can’t wait to hear from you! BOOK YOUR FREE CALL HERE.


















4Ā EASY Steps toĀ Start Eating Healthier After Breast CancerĀ 

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